

Few people are fortunate to have a perfect set of teeth. However, you don’t have to worry if you don’t have one. Orthodontists have come up with new treatments over the years to improve the aesthetics of braces. Orthodontic treatment can make a big difference for you or your kid. 

Your orthodontist may prescribe any of the following kinds of braces or dental appliances to help correct your specific dental issue.

What are the Most Commonly Used Types of Braces?

Below are the different types of braces:

1. Metal Braces

Metal braces are traditional braces that are produced from high-quality stainless steel. When fixing dental braces, an archwire is attached to the brackets on the teeth which ensure even pressure to move the teeth in the right direction.

2. Ceramic Braces

By using tooth-colored ceramic brackets instead of metal and a white wire, ceramic braces are ideal alternatives for several patients. They are also referred to as clear braces. Ceramic braces are the virtually invisible and perfect option for adults who want to go for a subtle look compared to metal braces. 

3. Lingual Braces

Lingual Braces can also be referred to as inside braces. They are custom made brackets designed to fit the contour on the inner part of each tooth. A wire is used to connect the brackets and pulls the teeth into position by pulling from the inside. 

However, as effective as standard outside braces, due to this, they take a longer time to fit as each bracket needs to be custom made. 

Lingual braces are the most prevalent amongst adults who are self-conscious of their appearance with traditional braces, especially in their workplace. It is not easy to detect lingual braces, but there may be a need for users to put on elastic bands which will be visible for people.

4. Invisalign

Invisalign is one of the last available options. The patient carries a series of customized plastic trays for two weeks, which slowly moves the teeth to the desired position. Aligners are virtually invisible and comfortable to carry, without metal parts that rub the gums and the interior of the mouth. The patients don’t have to change their diet and can wash their teeth the way they always did.

Which One Should You Choose?

Choosing a brace is not only determined by the aesthetics of the braces. There are a number of other factors as well you need to consider including cost, hygiene, and the final result. 


Aesthetics comes first because people are always conscious of how they would look with braces. Some of them can remain conscious even after the braces are long gone and people have forgotten about them. So, if the look of the braces is your primary concern, consider lingual or ceramic braces that are invisible or barely noticeable.


Some treatment choices are more costly than others. On the off chance that you aren’t the individual paying for them, at that point you may need to check if a few alternatives are not possible because of their extra expense. 

Because of the innovation required to customize the brackets and the time it takes in the lab to make the brackets, the cost of lingual braces is considered higher than other orthodontic treatments. Ceramic braces are more expensive than metal braces simply because of the materials.

Before opting for any, you should talk with your orthodontist about hygiene, treatment process, and post-treatment care.

What Braces are best for Adults and Children?

For adults, ceramic braces are often recommended. However, Invisalign is also a great option for adults. Both ceramics and Invisalign are relatively clear and probably nobody would notice them except you. 

Traditional metal braces and lingual braces are the best for children. Traditional metal braces work quickly and efficiently. They work great with crowding, misalignment, and malocclusion. 

Consult your dentist about the cost of dental braces, so you can prepare for the expenses before the job is completed.

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